Amelia Island Whale Ambassadors Presentations

Amelia Island Whale Ambassadors offers presentations of “The Right Whales of Amelia Island” to community organizations, clubs, and schools. To schedule a presentation for your group, please contact Richard Timm at

2025 Presentations

1/16/25 Fernandina Beach Library

1/27/25 Marina Advisory Board

4/8/25 Wild Night calving season update

2024 Presentations

1/25/24 Newcomers Club: 90 attendees

3/12/24 Methodist Church: 12 attendees

3/25/24 Friends of Talbot Islands: 55 attendees

5/1/24 Experimental Aircraft Association: 30 attendees

6/30/24 First Presbyterian Church Fernandina Beach: 30 attendees

9/7/24 Story and Song Bookstore: Right whales offshore Fernandina: a historical perspective (open to the public)

10/1/24 Amelia Island Sailing Club: 40 attendees

10/15/24  Rotary of Jacksonville – Oceanside: 35 attendees

10/17/24   Fernandina Beach Men’s Newcomer’s Club: 50 attendees

10/23/24 Nassau Sport Fishing Association:45 attendees

10/24/24 Women of Nassau: 55 attendees

10/24  Fernandina Beach High School, Marine Science classes

2023 Presentations

2/1/23   Amelia Island Museum of History: 120 attendees

2/15/23  Fernandina Beach High School: 5 classes with 20 students each, total ~100

2/17/23  Rotary (a.m.): 30 attendees

3/9/23    Savannah STEM High School: 20 students

3/23/23  Amelia Island Plantation: 100 attendees

4/4/23    Amelia Island Sailing Club: 30 attendees

5/10/23  Rotary (noon): estimate 40 attendees

10/18/23 Fernandina Beach High School: 3 classes, ~24 students each, total ~68

10/19/23 Yulee Rotary Interact club: 20 students

10/22/23 St. Peter’s Episcopal Church: 22 attendees

10/23/23 Florida Naturalist class: 21 attendees

11/7/23   Greater Nassau Rotary: 20 attendees