How can I Help?

Ways to Help Whales

Ways to Help Whales

The Short Answer…

  • Boat safely, especially during calving season, Nov 15 – Apr 15
  • Post a lookout, avoid boating at night or in rough seas, boat at slowest safe speed, ideally 10 knots, monitor VHF 16
  • Stay 500 yards away… the law… boats, drones, etc.
  • Eat locally harvested seafood… no shipping, no ropes
  • Watch for whales… report sightings at 888-979-4253
  • Be heard: Tell others… Write your representatives… Vote for right whales
  • Join the Amelia Island Whale Ambassadors
  • Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or our new website
  • Assist us with the Right Whale Festival and the Right Whale Sighting Network

The Detailed Answer…

Boat Responsibly

Help protect our critically endangered right whales while boating. Follow these guidelines, especially in the calving area (North Carolina through Florida) where right whales are giving birth to and nursing their young.

  • Slow down (10 knots or less) in areas where right whales are present.
  • Keep a sharp lookout for marine life, especially during times of poor visibility (night, sunrise and sunset, storms).
  • Always wear polarized glasses when boating.
  • Monitor VHF channel 16 and local news about right whale sightings.
  • If you see a right whale, move away slowly. Remain 500 yards away, by air and by sea.
  • Report whale sightings to 888-979-4253

Buy Florida Harvested Seafood 

Buying Florida harvested seafood reduces the risk of vessel strikes by reducing shipping, and it eliminates the risk of entanglement in traditional trap, rope & buoy fishing gear used in the North Atlantic habitats for right whales.  In 2022, due to entanglement’s unsustainable effects on the environment, Seafood Watch of the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California, red-listed American and Canadian lobster because “current management measures do not go far enough to mitigate entanglement risks and promote recovery of the species.”  

Spread the Word

Let everyone know why we need to save whales. Tell your friends and family about how important whales are and urge them to help protect them. Follow Amelia Island Whale Ambassadors, Right Whale Festival, or our partners on social media and share their posts!

Let Your Voice Be Heard

Vote for politicians that are in support of protecting whales and the environment. Contact your local representatives asking them to support legislation that protects whales.  Advocate for modified fishing gear, such as ropeless/on demand fishing techniques. To show your support for policy developed to protect whales and other marine life, be sure to comment on rules published in the Federal Register.

Keep the Ocean Clean

Do your part in keeping the ocean clean by properly disposing of trash. When at the beach, keep food packaging and other debris from blowing in the ocean; be sure to keep an eye on your toys and belongings, like balls, sand shovels, and flip flops, to ensure they do not get swept into the water. Participate in beach clean-ups.

When fishing, recycle monofilament lines and retrieve all gear from the water afterwards.

Reduce Your Use of Plastics

Plastic exists all throughout the ocean both in large aggregations such as the Great Pacific Garbage patch, and as small microplastics floating throughout all waters. Both forms of plastic pose a significant threat to marine life, such as whales, when they are accidentally consumed. To help in this issue, limit your use of single-use plastics. Alternatively, buy reusable or compostable products such as metal straws and reusable grocery bags.

Cut Down on Carbon

Reducing carbon emissions helps to reverse global warming. Warming oceans are driving whales and their food to seek new feeding grounds. Simple ways you can decrease your carbon footprint include reducing your travel by car or plane; reducing the energy usage in your home; and changing the composition of your diet. Be aware of where your products come from and be knowledgeable about the carbon footprint of the companies you buy from.

Join the Cause

Volunteer or donate to organizations that work to protect right whales; Amelia Island Whale Ambassadors and our partners. There is much more that can be done to help, so the more people involved in this cause, the more we can make a difference.

Buy Products Made in the U.S.A.

Vessel strikes are a leading cause of death for many large whale species. Buying products made in the United States of America helps reduce the number of ships transporting goods from other countries, thus reducing the number of ships sharing the waterways with whales.